Public Consultations

Next Public Consultation in Glasgow on 19.06.2023 – see below for details.

We always welcome the opportunity to present our proposals to the local communities. Local residents potentially affected by the proposed development will be given an opportunity to view and comment on our plans. We will also make direct contact with adjacent property owners to arrange personal meetings so we explain our proposals in detail and discuss any observations or concerns they may have.

Feedback on our proposals from the public and local business is important to us. We will where possible adjust our proposals in response to real concerns before submitting a planning application.

This is where you will find dates of any future meetings so please check back regularly and come along to find out about proposed developments in your neighbourhood.

Have your say

If you wish to comment on any of our projects, please use the feedback form provided below or email

Alternatively you can write to us at:

Suite One, 2nd Floor
Aztec House
397-405 Archway Road
London N6 4EY

We look forward to hearing from you.

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